Annual General Meeting 2023
The Annual General Meeting of Bryneven Primary School will be held on Wednesday, 15 November 2023 at 18h00. This will be an online meeting.
Please click on the link to register:
Once registered the link for the meeting will only be activated on the day of the AGM. There will be a designated area in the school parking lot for parents who do not have access to the Internet to be able to connect to the meeting. The password for this guest network will be made available on the day.
Parents requiring the use of the school’s Wi-Fi signal must please make use of this option. A quorum is required for the meeting to proceed. The agenda for the meeting can be found below:
Meeting is chaired by Mrs Liesl van der Walt (Chairperson)
1. Welcome and introduction of the School Governing Body
2. Apologies
3. Adoption of 2022 AGM Minutes
4. Matters arising from the Minutes
5. Reports for 2023
6. Presentation of the Budget for 2024
7. Presentation and Approval of Listed Resolutions for 2024
8. General
9. Closing
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